We are currently preparing for the film production of  "AURORA BOREALIS: Invasion And Conquest", the 1st feature film of a new SCIENCE FICTION feature film & TV series.

As you will notice by reading on, we have film production material for 35+ years to come, including screen plays, synopses, graphics, and elaborate concepts to tie in our feature films, feature film spin-offs, and TV series.

If you like to collaborate with us, make sure you read through this website, and let us know your area of expertise and interests when you contact us. We are especially interested in long-term collaborations.

Please check out our 3 min. story-line VIDEO presentation for our upcoming film production of "AURORA BOREALIS: Invasion And Conquest". This presentation is utilizing drawn graphics, however the movie will be produced with 'real-life actors'.


FREE DOWNLOAD for the copyrighted AURORA BOREALIS - Theme Song - "Dance Of The Strings" by Alexander Schoenwald:


Created, developed, and written by R. Johnston, (Rick Johnston), these are our upcoming PROJECTS:

1.) To produce the 1st AURORA BOREALIS feature film with 'real-life actors'. The screenplay "AURORA BOREALIS: Invasion And Conquest" is written and copyrighted, plus we have the written Writer's Guide that is filled with documentation and graphic images. *(See the bottom Wikipedia link for income projections.)

2.) To publish the written and copyrighted book with the same title "AURORA BOREALIS: Invasion And Conquest", as a printed book, as an e-book and as an audio book

3.) To produce the 2nd AURORA BOREALIS science fiction feature film with 'real-life actors'. The synopsis is written and copyrighted, plus we have additional written concepts, and drawings for the 2nd feature film. *(See the bottom Wikipedia link for income projections.)

4.) To produce the 3rd AURORA BOREALIS science fiction feature film with 'real-life actors'. The synopsis is finished and copyrighted, plus we have additional written concepts and drawings for the 3rd feature film. *(See the bottom Wikipedia link for income projections.)

5.) To produce 24 spin-off stories as feature films with 'real-life actors'. We currently have 24 written synopses for spin-off stories, plus additional written concepts and drawings for those spin-off stories. *(See the bottom Wikipedia link for income projections.)

6.) To produce 881 written synopses and additional concepts (for about 35+ years) of TV and Web TV series with 'real-life actors'. We currently have 881 written synopses, plus additional concepts and drawings.  (35+ years is based on 881 written synopses divided by 20-25  (1 hour) TV and Web TV Shows per season / year). 

7.) To produce 881 written synopses and additional concepts (for about 35+ years) of TV and Web TV series with 'animated characters and scenery'. We currently have 881 written synopses, plus additional concepts and drawings.  (35+ years is based on 881 written synopses divided by 20-25  (1 hour) TV and Web TV Shows per season / year). 

8.) To publish an AURORA BOREALIS comic book series / graphic novel series.

9.) To create and manufacture AURORA BOREALIS movie character figurines, spaceships, toys, clothing, and other items.

10.) To develop an AURORA BOREALIS video game.

Our Aurora Borealis LLC team has a diverse array of skills, talents and many years of experience in Media, Film & Television, Graphic Arts, Illustration, Model and Figurine Design and Creation, Audio and Sound Engineering, Costume Design, Furniture and Set-Design, Marketing, Public Relations, Product Placement, Business Development, and Distribution.

If you like to collaborate with us in any area of Film / Movie / TV / Web TV / Video Game Production, Merchandising, and / or Distribution, please contact us and let us know your area of expertise and interests. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Please 'JOIN' our Facebook Group, where we will post update notifications:


* 8 out of 10 of the highest grossing feature films of all time are of the Science Fiction, Action / Adventure genre. For income projections, please check out this Wikipedia link:

